Wellness Plans



Introducing the Paws4Wellness Program

This new program includes wellness plans for cats and dogs of all ages. Our pets age much faster than we do, making it all that much more important that every year is a great year. We have designed our Paws4Wellness program to include key examinationsvaccinations and the most comprehensive preventive care and early disease detection. Pets cannot tell us when something is wrong – the best we can do is help prevent health issues. Whether a new puppy or kitten, an active adult or beloved pet in their senior years, a wellness plan is right for every pet, at every age.

The preventive care your pet needs. A friendly monthly payment for you.

Why the Paws4Wellness plan might be right for you:

Choose the wellness and prevention plan that works best for you and your pet.

Wellness Lasts a Lifetime:

Annual wellness testing allows our doctors to identify conditions and diseases in your pet before signs may be evident. Additionally, screening tests provide information on what’s “normal” for your pet and allow our doctors to quickly evaluate changes in your pet’s biology.

Pets age roughly five to seven times faster than humans. It’s vital to test every year to screen for diseases and conditions. Ultimately, early detection will enable an accurate diagnosis more quickly, potentially saving you thousands of dollars in tests and critical care.

Download our wellness brochure here and see more information on the different wellness age groups below.

Puppy & Kitten Wellness (The First Year of Life)

Young dogs and cats deserve extra attention and care, and our Puppy and Kitten Wellness Programs provide the guidance you need. Our veterinarians not only check your puppy or kitten to make sure he or she is growing as they should, but we share our best practices for raising healthy pets that live long, happy lives.

Complete Wellness (Age 1 – 7)

For dogs and cats that are less than seven years of age, Junior Wellness provides our veterinarians with an important baseline set of results from key diagnostic tests. As time goes on, we compare new results with the old to uncover hidden changes in your pet’s health.

Advanced Wellness (Over 7 Years of Age)

Older pets need special tests and exams to catch age-related diseases such as diabetes, cancer, kidney disease, Cushing’s, and more. In addition to the detailed physical exam, diagnostic blood work, and urine testing, our veterinarians may also recommend an ultrasound, electrocardiograph (ECG), or radiographs (x-rays).

Have questions about our Paws4wellness program in Newtown? Call Sycamore Veterinary Hospital at (215) 968-0509 today or view plans here to pre-enroll.